CKC Reg'd, ASCA Reg'dAustralian Shepherd Breeder
Excellence in type, structure, temperament

GraceRok Aussies News.
This is where we announce our accomplishments as a team in performance and conformation events and occasionally other news. I'm so proud of my Aussie crew and everything they do.

Trillium KC, Lindsay ON
November 1, 2, and 3, 2024
Best Baby Puppy in Breed x 2! Brooke made his debut in CKC conformation in his last chance for Baby Puppy class and made me so proud! At the tender age of 5.5 months old Brooke strutted his stuff and showed like a little pro and won the hearts of the crowd and 2 of the 3 judges Wendy Paquette and herding group specialist Glen Stark. He got to show in the Herding Group and showed like a little rock star and was given a really good look by the judges.
Brooke will now go back to his favorite activity, puppy agility foundation training and we'll come back out to the show rings in Spring 2025.

Victoria County KC, Lindsay ON
April 26, 27, 2024
WB x 2 and BOB! Sienna made me proud at the Vic Cty show by going Winners Bitch on Friday and Saturday and topping it off on Saturday with a Best of Breed over a Special!! She showed very well in Group and has a fabulous free stack but no love in Group this time.
This gave us 3 more points, for a total of 6 points towards her Championship!
We'll be taking a break from showing/performance events this summer to focus on raising Lyric's litter but look for us back in the rings this Fall.

Trillium KC, Lindsay ON
October 27, 2023
NEW CHAMPION!!! WD/BOW! What a way to end the show season for Gracerok!! Chacha went WD/BOW under judge Espen Engh, of Norway, for 2 points to complete his CKC Champion title (he only needed 1 more point)! Handled by ME!!
I'm so proud of Cha-cha-cha-cha-chaaa he's really maturing and filling out, building strength, muscle and coat and is just an all round fun and smart, but still silly, boy.
That's it for conformation for us this year, now we turn back to working towards our Rally-Excellent title -- we're aiming for the Spring 2024 trials.

Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Dog Association (SD&G), Long Sault, ON
August 25, 26, 27, 2023
WD/RWD/BOW! Beauty and Brains!! Chacha took a break from Rally-Obedience training to head out to Canada's second largest dog show with Emily Burdon and Team for the weekend!
He did not disappoint...he went WD (Fri judge Denys Janssen), RWD (Sat judge Alex Rojas Sanchez) and WD/BOW (Sun Judge Dr. Francisco Chapa) to collect 3 more points towards his conformation Championship!! His first time away from home with handlers and he took it all in stride.
Chacha is now in the 1 point club and we hope to get him back out this Fall to finish his Championship. Watch for us in the rings in October/November!!

Oshawa Obedience Association, Baltimore, ON
July 15, 2023
NEW RA Title!!! Chacha continues to amaze me with his focus and enthusiasm! Despite the heat in the arena, Chacha pulled out all the stops and earned his Rally Advanced title in one day!
We earned two High In Class and one Second in Class with scores of 95, 88 and 100 under judges Deana Abbott and Lynn Oslach!! The 88 would have been a 98 if I hadn't missed asking for a sit in one of the pivot stations...ugh! Now we do some intensive training and proofing for Rally Excellent and will also be venturing into Obedience to trial in Pre-Novice in the Fall.

North York Obedience Club, Bewdley, ON
June 17, 2023
NEW RI Title! Chacha showed his love of working, great temperament, with enthusiasm and focus even in a distracting environment and earned his final 2 legs for his Rally Intermediate title under Judge Joan Reid!!
Chacha placed 2nd and 3rd in large classes with scores of 99 and 86 (handler errors!!) making me so proud of him. We worked so hard for this and we are hooked! Watch for us in more Rally-O trials in 2023 and 2024!!

Ontario County KC, Orono, ON
June 10, 2023
WB/BOS! Sienna hit the show rings in Orono this weekend and picked up one more point under judge Ron Mahon towards her CKC Championship, bringing her up to 3 pts!

Georgina KC, Lindsay, ON
November 11 and 13, 2022
NEW RN TITLE! Chacha was a good boy at his first ever Rally-Obedience trials and earned his Rally Novice (RN) title in 3 trials with scores of 98, 93, and 100 including two High In Class and one Second in huge classes of 14!! Then we moved him up and he earned his first qualifying leg for his Rally Intermediate title despite never training on the Intermediate signs (including pivots). Pictured is our High in Class (100pts) and New Title win with esteemed obedience judge Del Lunn.
This boy is so fun to train, he loves to work and already shows great rear end awareness and lots of enthusiasm. We can't wait to see how far we can go in Rally-O next year!!

Georgina KC, Lindsay, ON
November 12, 2022
RWB! Cinder showed really well and earned a Reserve WB to the major once again under judge Michael Hill. This is her last show this year but she'll come back out in the Spring.

Trillium KC, Lindsay, ON
October 28 - 30, 2022
WD, RWD, WD! It was Chacha's turn again to play in the conformation ring and he came away with 3 more points towards his CKC Championship, bringing him up to 6 points!! Now we turn to Rally-O until he matures a bit more.

Belleville KC, Belleville, ON
October 21 - 23, 2022
BOW, WD and WD! Chacha got to play in the show ring again and he showed really well and came away with his first 3 points towards his Canadian Championship (CKC)!! This young boy needs to mature a bit more but we wanted to see how he'd do and also to condition him to the environment before he comes out later on. Such a fun boy, he takes it all in stride!

Nipissing KC, Lindsay, ON
October 8 to 10, 2022
Group 1 in Sanction Match! I entered 7 month old Cinder in this weekend's shows on a whim and so happy I did! At the Saturday Match Cinder wiggled and smiled her way to a Group 1!
RWB x 2! At the 'real' shows on Sunday and Monday Cinder went Reserve Winners Bitch at both shows to a 3 point and a 2 point major under judges John Cole and Gerardo Paolucci!!! She showed like a little pro and gave everyone a smile with her cute wiggles. We're very excited for this girl's future!!

Nipissing KC, Lindsay, ON
October 7, 2022
RWD! It was Chacha's turn to play in the conformation ring and he did not disappoint! At the regular show he went Reserve Winners Dog to the major under judge Roberto Velez-Pico!! He showed really well in the other two shows and we're so excited to see what the future brings for this handsome young boy!

Markham KC, Pickering, ON
August 23 to 24, 2022
RWD and WD! Tesla was entered in the bred-by class in the two afternoon shows and went RWD in the Aug 23 show under judge Nancy Popovich and then went on to earn his first two points going WD at the Aug 24 show under judge Margaret Moran McQuinn!!

Bobcaygeon KC, Norwood, ON
June 30, 2022
RWD! Tesla stepped into the ring for the first time and came away with a nice Reserve Winners Dog under judge Dawn Deeley!

Ontario County KC, Orono, ON
June 10, 2022
Best Puppy in Breed! We showed Sienna at the Friday show and she went BPIB under judge Grant Townsend and showed great in the group ring!!!

Victoria County KC, Lindsay, ON
May 1, 2022
WB/BOS and Best Puppy in Breed! On Sunday it was Sienna's turn to play in the show ring. She showed really well and garnered her first 2 points under judge Silvia Barkey!! So proud of this puppy -- her second time in the ring at the age of 10 months.

Scarborough KC, Lindsay, ON
March 13, 2022
NEW CHAMPION!!! WB/BOW! On Sunday Lyric went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners in a huge beautiful lineup presented beautifully by Graeme Burdon and Colin Brownlee for a 5 point major under judge Thora Brown. This finishes her Canadian championship and she is our first bred-by champion so this is very special to us!!!

Scarborough KC, Lindsay, ON
March 12, 2022
WB! Lyric made me proud by going Winners Bitch in a lovely lineup for a 3 point major under judge J.A. Molina Ortiz. She now has 5 points towards her CKC Championship!
Online - Do More With Your Dog!
February 15, 2022
NTD - New Title! Ruckus (from the Rhett x Addy litter 2021) earned his Novice Trick Dog Title at the age of 7.5 months while he was here staying with us looking for his new forever home! Gracerok Road Trip Ruckus, NTD

Online - Do More With Your Dog!
January 16, 2022
NTD - New Title! Sienna earned her Novice Trick Dog Title at the age of 6 months! Cute and smart!! Gracerok Paint The Town Red, NTD

Online - Do More With Your Dog!
January 11, 2022
NTD - New Title! Chacha earned his Novice Trick Dog Title!! Such a handsome and super smart boy!! Gracerok Smooth Moves, NTD

Belleville and District KC, Belleville, ON
October 24, 2021
WB! Lyric earned her first 2 points today going Winners Bitch under judge Glen Stark!! So excited to be the one to put her first points on from the Bred-by class!!

April 07, 2019
RWB! Addy garners a RWB at the Spring Woofstock show thanks to judge JoAnn Colvin for finding us in a large and lovely lineup!!
We are still on the hunt for that last point so she can finish her ASCA CH! It will come soon I'm sure!

Kitchener-Waterloo KC/CNASA Regional Specialty and Aussie Booster, Kitchener, ON
May 19, 2018
Group 1!!! Her second time out as a Special and at the CNASA Regional Specialty Addy goes BOS in a stellar lineup under judge Rodi Hubenthal, such an honor!! Then on Sunday at the CNASA Aussie Booster Addy takes BOB and goes on to a Group 4 in another stellar lineup under judge Tony Monk!! We are just over the moon!
At the ASCA show the same weekend, Addy also takes 2nd place under judge Valerie Yates in the special, non-regular movement class!

Maple Leaf KC (UKC), Napanee, ON
May 13, 2018
Group 1!! Addy garners a few more points and competition wins towards her UKC Champion title and in show 2 under breeder judge Brenda Hoskins also goes BOB and Group 1!!!

Victoria County KC (Lindsay, ON)
April 28, 2018
Two Group 1s!! Addy's first time out as a Special and she goes BOB and Group 1 both days under respected judges Barbara Du Pree and Lee Ann Bateman and BOS at Sunday's Limited Breed Herding Group show under judge Kim Ramey-Leblanc for a total of 12 points towards her Grand Ch in one weekend!!

Ontario Breeders Assoc (Lindsay ON)
March 04, 2018
NEW CKC CH!! Addy earns 2 more points to finish as a CKC Ch under judge Zeferino Jose Cardoso Silva!!